Use Cases
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Streaming the Reddit API using Fluvio's WASM ArrayMap
Engineer, InfinyOn
Fluvio is a high-performance, distributed, programmable streaming platform for real-time data. In our latest release, we introduced SmartModules ArrayMap, a new kind of programmable API that allows you to break apart large records into smaller records. The key thing to know about the ArrayMap pattern is that it converts one input into zero or many outputs.
One of the primary motivations for ArrayMap is to control the granularity of your data stream. Sometimes, your stream’s records represent more than one data point, and you need to manipulate just a sub-piece of that record. ArrayMap takes each composite data record and breaks the large object into smaller pieces that can be worked on or analyzed individually. For example, you may want to analyze addresses in customer records, items purchased in a transaction, withdrawals in a bank account, etc.
In this post, I will show a practical use-case for SmartModules ArrayMap: breaking apart paginated API responses into a stream of content. As an example, I’ll be using real data from Reddit’s API, so feel free to follow along! If you decide to do so, you’ll need to get set up with Fluvio either via a free InfinyOn Cloud account or by setting up your own open-source Fluvio cluster. In addition, here’s a list of tools that we’ll be using throughout the blog:
- The Fluvio CLI
- Rust, Cargo, and Rustup
(installed by default on some systems)cargo-generate
You can also check out the finished code on GitHub!
Getting some data
The first thing we need to do is get some sample data so we know what we’re working
with. We can use the following curl
command to do just that:
$ curl -H "User-agent:ExampleBot" "" | tee reddit.json
This command will print a big body of JSON to the screen and also save it in a file
called reddit.json
, so we can use it later. Let’s pretty-print it now so we can take
a good look at it. Make sure you have jq installed, then run:
$ jq < reddit.json
"kind": "Listing",
"data": {
"after": "t3_qc1h1j",
"dist": 27,
"modhash": "",
"geo_filter": null,
"children": [
"data": {
"id": "...",
"title": "...",
"url": "...",
"selftext": "...",
"ups": x,
"upvote_ratio": x.yz
... many more fields
{ ... },
{ ... },
"before": "t3_qahjqp"
I’ve collapsed most of the fields in the children
objects, there is a lot of information in
there. The important thing to see is that the children
field contains the “page” of 10 requests
that we asked for in the request (recall the ?count=10
What we want to do is create a Fluvio Topic that contains requests like this as its Records, then create a SmartModules ArrayMap to create an output stream of the individual child elements (the posts themselves). When we’re done, each element in our stream should look like this:
"id": "...",
"title": "...",
"url": "...",
"selftext": "...",
"ups": x,
"upvote_ratio": x.yz
Writing a SmartModules ArrayMap
To get started with our ArrayMap, we can use cargo-generate
to get up and running with a
template of a ArrayMap SmartModule. If you don’t already have it, install cargo-generate
with the following command:
$ cargo install cargo-generate
Then, use it to create a new project from the ArrayMap template:
$ cargo generate --git=""
⚠️ Unable to load config file: ~/.cargo/cargo-generate.toml
🤷 Project Name : reddit-array-map
🔧 Generating template ...
✔ 🤷 Which type of SmartModule would you like? · array-map
[1/7] Done: .cargo/config.toml
[2/7] Done: .cargo
[3/7] Done: .gitignore
[4/7] Done: Cargo.toml
[5/7] Done:
[6/7] Done: src/
[7/7] Done: src
🔧 Moving generated files into: `reddit-array-map`...
✨ Done! New project created reddit-array-map
Let’s move our reddit.json
into the project directory and change our directory
so we can work with the project.
$ mv ./reddit.json ./reddit-array-map/
$ cd reddit-array-map
While we’re setting up, make sure you have the wasm32-unknown-unknown
target installed
by running this rustup command:
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Now let’s take a look at the code that was generated for us:
$ cat src/
use fluvio_smartmodule::{smartmodule, Record, RecordData, Result};
pub fn array_map(record: &Record) -> Result<Vec<(Option<RecordData>, RecordData)>> {
// Deserialize a JSON array with any kind of values inside
let array = serde_json::from_slice::<Vec<serde_json::Value>>(record.value.as_ref())?;
// Convert each JSON value from the array back into a JSON string
let strings: Vec<String> = array
.map(|value| serde_json::to_string(&value))
.collect::<core::result::Result<_, _>>()?;
// Create one record from each JSON string to send
let records: Vec<(Option<RecordData>, RecordData)> = strings
.map(|s| (None, RecordData::from(s)))
The starter code for SmartModules ArrayMap is built to take JSON arrays as input, and return a stream of the contents of those arrays as output. This is pretty similar to what we want to accomplish with the Reddit posts, but the array we want to retrieve is nested inside a larger response object.
To help us work with Reddit’s response data, let’s write some structs that mirror
the JSON response structure and derive serde
’s Serialize
and Deserialize
for them. If you’re following along and used the cargo-generate
template, then
and serde_json
are already in your project dependencies.
Now let’s add our structs and update our function. We need to make sure the field names
correspond exactly to the fields in the JSON response. Any fields that we don’t name will
simply be ignored. You can overwrite the existing code in src/
file with the following:
use fluvio_smartmodule::{smartmodule, Record, RecordData, Result};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RedditListing {
data: RedditPage,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RedditPage {
children: Vec<RedditPost>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RedditPost {
data: RedditPostData,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RedditPostData {
id: String,
title: String,
url: String,
selftext: String,
ups: i32,
upvote_ratio: f32,
pub fn array_map(record: &Record) -> Result<Vec<(Option<RecordData>, RecordData)>> {
// Step 1: Deserialize a RedditListing from JSON
let listing = serde_json::from_slice::<RedditListing>(record.value.as_ref())?;
// Step 2: Create a list of RedditPostData converted back into JSON strings
let posts: Vec<(String, String)> = listing
.map(|post: RedditPost| {
// Convert each post into (ID, Post JSON)
serde_json::to_string(&|json| (, json))
.collect::<core::result::Result<_, _>>()?;
// Step 3: Convert each Post into a Record whose key is the Post's ID
let records = posts
.map(|(id, post)| (Some(RecordData::from(id)), RecordData::from(post)))
Looking at the structure of the data this way, we can see that we will eventually want
to turn the list of RedditPostData
into a list of Records that we can return for our
output stream. Let’s dive in and take at the code to make that happen.
This ArrayMap function essentially has 3 steps that it takes. They are:
- Deserialize the original reddit request
- Extract the list of posts as a list of (Post ID, Post JSON)
- Convert that list into a list of Key/Value Records
Running the SmartModules ArrayMap
Let’s take this for a test drive and see if it works as expected! For the following steps you’ll need to make sure you have Fluvio downloaded and a cluster running.
First, let’s compile our ArrayMap. We’ll compile using release mode to make the WASM module as small as possible.
$ cargo build --release
Then, let’s create a Fluvio Topic where we’ll send our Reddit API responses. Later, we’ll consume from this Topic using the ArrayMap we just wrote.
$ fluvio topic create reddit
Now, let’s produce our Reddit data into the topic. If you still have the reddit.json
file, you can send it using this command:
$ fluvio produce reddit -f ./reddit.json
Or, if you want to be fancy and produce fresh data directly from Reddit, you can pipe
your data straight from curl
$ curl -H "User-agent:ExampleBot" "" | fluvio produce reddit
Now, let’s apply our SmartModules ArrayMap and see how we did!
$ fluvio consume reddit --tail --key-value --array-map=target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/reddit_array_map.wasm
[qccbjz] {"id":"qccbjz","title":"Can you compile in parallel?","url":"","selftext":"Often I'll have a project that automatically pulls in 150+ dependencies that might not depend on each other.\n\nIt'd be great if I could somehow compile 8 of them in parallel instead of only one, but I'm not sure how to make that happen.\n\nIt would make sense that this should work, given that as long as you aren't compiling something before its dependencies are finished, there shouldn't be any conflicts. But looking online I haven't found anything.","ups":7,"upvote_ratio":0.71}
[qc3wc2] {"id":"qc3wc2","title":"sqlx: Exist a problem if pick \"runtime-actix\" vs \"runtime-tokio\"?","url":"","selftext":"Is unclear to me why in sqlx exist this 2 runtimes, if actix is based on tokio.\n\nI'm building a utility crate that could later interact with actix or not (depending on the project), so I don't know if is best to depend from the start on actix even if later chose one with rocket, for example. \n\nThe most logical option is to use tokio, but if later put actix, it will conflict??","ups":13,"upvote_ratio":0.72}
[qbngmu] {"id":"qbngmu","title":"Announcing Lingua 1.3 - The most accurate natural language detection library for Rust","url":"","selftext":"Hi, folks!\n\nI've just released the new major version 1.3 of Lingua, the most accurate natural language detection library for Rust. It is especially well-suited for the classification of short text where other language detectors have problems.\n\n[](\n\nThis release introduces each of the so far 75 supported languages as separate Cargo features. If you don't want to download all statistical language models, you are now able to specify which languages you want to download and detect with the library. This results in much smaller binaries.\n\nI hope you find the library useful. I'm looking forward to your feedback. Thanks. :)\n\n&#x200B;\n\n","ups":231,"upvote_ratio":0.98}
Great! We can see that each of our Records represents a Post, and that they contain just the fields that we
selected for. Since we used the --key-value
option, we can also see that we correctly extracted the id
field and applied it to be used as our record Keys.
That’s it for this post, be sure to join the discussion on Reddit or hop into our Discord server if you want to talk to us or have any questions. Until next time!
Update: SmartModules were originally called SmartStreams. The blog was updated to reflect the new naming convention