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Deduplicate data streaming events with SQL Upsert

Ozgur Akkurt

Ozgur Akkurt

Contributor, InfinyOn

GitHub stars

Streaming data from external data sources outside of the reader’s control often produce undesirable duplicates in the data set. One common method for dealing with such a situation is to offload deduplication to the database using SQL upserts.

This blog will show how to use the upsert operation with the sql-connector. You will learn how to set up an environment to use the SQL connector and how to apply the new upsert functionality.

Let’s get started.

What is Upsert

In summary, upsert means to insert this record into the database if it doesn’t already exist. And If it already exists, update the existing record using the given data.

It translates into an SQL statement like this for PostgreSQL:

  'John Doe',

So if we try to upsert a record with a name that already existed in the database, it would just update the age of the existing record instead of trying to create another record with the same name.

Required Environment

Postgres Server Setup

We need a PostgreSQL instance to run this example. If you don’t have it, I prepared a docker-compose file to set it up quickly:

version: '3.8'
    image: postgres:14.1-alpine
    restart: always
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      - POSTGRES_DB=sql-connector-test
      - '15432:5432'

Just save this as docker-compose.yaml and then run docker-compose up -d:

$ docker-compose up -d

The db should be accessible on localhost:15432 after running this.

Running SQL queries

This section explains how to run the sql queries included in the blog, if you already have a setup, you might not need this.

We can use psql to run our queries from the command line. On MacOS, you can install it with this command:

$ brew install libpq

Note: homebrew is required to run this command.

Then we can connect to the postgres instance we created by running this command:

$ psql -h localhost -p 15432 -d sql-connector-test -U postgres

It should ask for password when connecting, the password is also postgres.

After this it should show the psql cli, it looks like this:

psql (15.3, server 14.1)
Type "help" for help.


It can be closed by typing exit or \q and pressing enter.

WARNING: When running sql queries in psql, we have to terminate them using ; or psql will keep waiting for input, this might be confusing.

Creating the Table

In order to run the example, we need a table.

	age INT

Copy pasting this into psql and pressing enter should work.

Setting up fluvio

We also need a local fluvio cluster to run this example, see the getting started guide if you don’t have that already.

Create a test topic with:

$ fluvio topic create dedup-upsert-example

Might want to use a better name than dedup-upsert-example for the topic.

Setup sql-connector (saved as sql-connector-dedup-example.yaml):

apiVersion: 0.1.0
  version: 0.3.3
  name: check-upsert-sql
  type: sql-sink
  topic: dedup-upsert-example
  create-topic: true
    - name: DB_USERNAME
    - name: DB_PASSWORD
  log_level: debug
  url: 'postgres://${{ secrets.DB_USERNAME }}:${{ secrets.DB_PASSWORD }}@localhost:15432/sql-connector-test'

Secrets file (saved as secrets.txt):


Download ipkg file for the connector:

$ fluvio hub connector download infinyon/[email protected]

Install cdk

$ fluvio install cdk

Deploy connector

$ cdk deploy start --config sql-connector-dedup-example.yaml --ipkg infinyon-sql-sink-0.3.0.ipkg --secrets secrets.txt

Check that the connector is running

$ cdk deploy list 

Should print something like:

sql-connector-dedup-example  Running 

Running upsert

Create a json file to produce records from (saved as produce.json):

{ "Insert": { "table": "users", "values": [ { "column": "name", "type": "Text", "raw_value": "John Michael" }, { "column": "age", "type": "Int", "raw_value": "66" } ] } }
{ "Insert": { "table": "users", "values": [ { "column": "name", "type": "Text", "raw_value": "Christian Jackson" }, { "column": "age", "type": "Int", "raw_value": "33" } ] } }

Run produce to create the records in the database:

$ fluvio produce -f produce.json dedup-upsert-example

We have the records in the db (can use SELECT * FROM users; in psql to see this):

2   "John Michael"      66
3   "Christian Jackson" 33

Now we can run upsert to update the existing records and create a new one (file saved as produce_upsert.json):

{ "Upsert": { "table": "users", "uniq_idx": "name", "values": [ { "column": "name", "type": "Text", "raw_value": "John Michael" }, { "column": "age", "type": "Int", "raw_value": "67" } ] } }
{ "Upsert": { "table": "users", "uniq_idx": "name", "values": [ { "column": "name", "type": "Text", "raw_value": "Christian Jackson" }, { "column": "age", "type": "Int", "raw_value": "34" } ] } }
{ "Upsert": { "table": "users", "uniq_idx": "name", "values": [ { "column": "name", "type": "Text", "raw_value": "Hillary Bonhart" }, { "column": "age", "type": "Int", "raw_value": "99" } ] } }

Run produce to create/update the records in the database:

$ fluvio produce -f produce_upsert.json dedup-upsert-example

Now we have the new record (“Hillary Bonhart”) and the old records with the updated ages in our db:

2   "John Michael"      67
3   "Christian Jackson" 34
6   "Hillary Bonhart"   99


Shutdown the connector:

$ cdk deploy shutdown --name check-upsert-sql

Destroy the database (this will delete data as well since there is no persistent docker volume attached):

$ docker-compose down