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How to send data reliably from IOT edge devices using Fluvio Mirroring

Felipe Cardozo

Felipe Cardozo

Contributor, InfinyOn

GitHub stars

How to send data reliably from IOT edge devices using Fluvio Mirroring


Edge, sensors, and the connected IoT ecosystem typically operate with limited storage, memory, and compute. To operate reliably, we assume perfect network performance. But in reality, network performance issues and disruptions cause data loss. All modern sensors operating with protocols like LoRaWAN require a robust edge-to-core event streaming infrastructure.

With this blog post, you will learn how to leverage mirroring to optimize your IoT infrastructure and stay ahead in the fast-paced world of connected devices.

What is Mirroring?

Mirroring is a new Fluvio feature which enables connecting multiple devices running Fluvio with a home-remote relationship.

Home and Remote

To understand mirroring, we also need to understand what is a Home and a Remote cluster:

  • Home cluster is the target cluster that will manage, receive and consume data.
  • Remote cluster is the source cluster that will send the data.

For this guide we’ll use the InfinyOn Cloud as the Home cluster, also an Orange Pi Zero 3, a tiny ARM device running Linux as the Remote cluster, but you can use any device compatible with Fluvio instead.

This flowchart below is a demonstration of how this guide should use the Orange Pi and the InfinyOn Cloud to sync its data:

Dataflow orange-cloud

Benefits of using Fluvio Mirroring

  • Reliable synchronization:
    • If connected, the remote sends telemetry and events to the home in real-time using mirroring.
    • If disconnected, the Remote stream processor caches events locally. When the connection resumes, the Remote stream processor brings the Home Cluster up to date and continues mirroring until the subsequent connection loss.
  • Intelligent processing with InfinyOn SmartModules.
  • Hierarchical processing, where you decide where to apply the transformations.
  • Built-in connectors to push events to databases and other core products.
  • Runs on tiny devices.
  • It just requires the Fluvio simple installation.
  • Easy to set up.

Temperature track guide:

In this guide, we will set up an IoT device that sends its temperature continuously, as an example of what you can build and integrate with Fluvio and IoT devices.

Create an InfinyOn Cloud Account

If you don’t have an InfinyOn Cloud Account, using your web browser, navigate to, and create one.

After the account is created, you will be placed on the Dashboard. You may choose to create a cluster in the GUI. In this guide, we’ll create a cluster using the CLI.

Install fluvio binary

Use curl to download and install:

curl -fsS | bash

Make sure to add .fluvio/bin to the $PATHas specified in the installation script.

Login to InfinyOn Cloud

Login to InfinyOn Cloud:

fluvio cloud login --use-oauth2

Leave out --use-oauth2 if you prefer the username/password method.

Create Cloud Cluster

Let’s provision a new cloud cluster:

fluvio cloud cluster create

Check the result with:

fluvio cluster status

Register Remote cluster

Let’s register the edge cluster orangepi to inform our home cluster from the cloud to accept connection requests from this remote device:

fluvio remote register orangepi

Create mirror topic

Each edge cluster mirror connects to a partition of a topic, where each partition has a 1-to-1 relationship with the remote cluster.

Create a partition assignment file with an array of remotes that we expect to connect to this cluster:

echo '["orangepi"]' > devices.json
fluvio topic create mirror-topic --mirror-apply devices.json

or just create the mirror topic, then add the remote:

fluvio topic create mirror-topic --mirror
fluvio topic add-mirror mirror-topic orangepi

Generate metadata for the Remote cluster:

Each Remote cluster requires a unique metadata file that informs how to connect with the home cluster. Create the config file by running the following command:

fluvio cloud remote export orangepi --file orangepi.json

The Cloud cluster configuration is now complete. Next, we’ll create an edge cluster that synchronizes data to the Cloud.

Install Remote cluster on Orange Pi

We’ll start a remote cluster on our tiny computer. But first, we also need Fluvio installed here:

curl -fsS | bash

Again, make sure to add .fluvio/bin to the $PATHas specified in the installation script.

Start Remote cluster

First we will start the cluster:

fluvio cluster start

Then, we’ll connect to the Home with the metadata orangepi:

fluvio home connect --file orangepi.json

Let’s check the partitions:

fluvio partition list

The remote device should show the following partition:

  TOPIC         PARTITION  LEADER  MIRROR                                                             REPLICAS  RESOLUTION  SIZE  HW LEO LRS  FOLLOWER OFFSETS
  mirror-topic  0          5001  []        Online      0 B   0  0   0    0                 []

Produce data with the script

In this simple example, we’ll produce data using this simple bash script to get the temperature of the Orange Pi CPU and produce it on the mirror topic once per second:

while true; do
  temp=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)
  temp_c=$(echo "scale=1; $temp / 1000" | bc)
  echo "CPU Temperature: $temp_c°C"
  echo $temp_c | fluvio produce mirror-topic
  sleep 1

Copy this script to a file, give it permission and run it:

sudo chmod +x ./
CPU Temperature: 44.9°C
CPU Temperature: 45.0°C
CPU Temperature: 44.6°C
CPU Temperature: 44.7°C
CPU Temperature: 44.4°C
CPU Temperature: 44.9°C
CPU Temperature: 45.0°C
CPU Temperature: 45.2°C
CPU Temperature: 45.0°C

Consume it!

Consume it on any device connected to the InfinyOn Cloud:

fluvio consume mirror-topic -B


🎉 Congratulations! You now know the basics of how to set up IoT infrastructure using Mirroring.

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