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The fluvio cloud webhook family of commands is used to create, delete, and troubleshoot Webhooks in cloud.

$ fluvio cloud webhook -h
Manage Webhooks

Usage: fluvio-cloud webhook <COMMAND>

  create  Create webhook
  delete  Delete webhook
  list    List webhooks
  update  Update webhook
  logs    View webhook connector logs

fluvio cloud webhook create

This command is used to provision a new cluster.

$ fluvio cloud webhook create -h
Create webhook

Usage: fluvio-cloud webhook create [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  [NAME]  Name of webhook

      --topic <TOPIC>    
      --config <CONFIG>    Webhook config
  -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud webhook create --config webhook-config.yaml     
Webhook "my-webhook" created with url:<random-string>

See the Webhook config reference for more on config files.


fluvio cloud webhook list

Command to show the fluvio clusters in Cloud associated with current user.

$ fluvio cloud webhook list -h
List webhooks

Usage: fluvio-cloud webhook list

  -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud webhook list     
 NAME        TOPIC     URL                                                                                                     
 my-webhook  my-topic<random-string>          

fluvio cloud webhook delete

This command deletes current cluster of current user.

$ fluvio cloud webhook delete -h
Delete webhook

Usage: fluvio-cloud webhook delete <NAME>

  <NAME>  Name of webhook

  -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud webhook delete my-webhook 
Webhook "my-webhook" deleted

fluvio cloud webhook update

$ fluvio cloud webhook update -h
Update webhook

Usage: fluvio-cloud webhook update --config <CONFIG>

      --config <CONFIG>  Webhook config
  -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud webhook update --config webhook-config.yaml

See the Webhook config reference for more on config files.


fluvio cloud webhook logs

$ fluvio cloud webhook logs -h
View webhook connector logs

Usage: fluvio-cloud webhook logs <NAME>

  <NAME>  Name of webhook

  -c, --cluster <CLUSTER>  Name of cluster

Example usage:

$ fluvio cloud webhook logs my-webhook
[Log output]
