Stateful Data Flow Beta Build composable event-driven data pipelines in minutes.

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Connector Basics

Ensure fluvio is installed and logged in to InfinyOn Cloud before proceeding. If not set up, follow the Quick Start.

Connectors serve to transmit data into or out of your cluster, configurable via a YAML file.

Utilizing InfinyOn Cloud for managing connectors centralizes your data pipelines, both locally and on the cloud.

Manage your connectors efficiently with the fluvio cloud connector CLI.


Create Your First Connector on InfinyOn Cloud

This guide demonstrates creating an Inbound HTTP connector to ingest JSON data from an HTTP endpoint.

Sign up for InfinyOn Cloud and log into the CLI to begin:

$ fluvio cloud login

Example HTTP connector

Below is the configuration for the Inbound HTTP connector:

apiVersion: 0.1.0
  version: 0.2.1
  name: cat-facts
  type: http-source
  topic: cat-facts
  create-topic: true
  endpoint: ""
  interval: 10s

In this configuration, a connector named cat-facts is created. It requests data from a cat fact API every 30 seconds and receives JSON data, which is stored in a topic named cat-facts-data.


Start a connector

Create a connector using the following command:

$ fluvio cloud connector create --config catfacts-basic-connector.yml
connector "cat-facts" (http-source) created

List all connectors

Once created, list the connectors and view their current status:

$ fluvio cloud connector list
 cat-facts  http-source  0.1.0    V3   Running

View connector logs

Debug connector behavior by accessing the logs:

$ fluvio cloud connector logs cat-facts
connector-startup infinyon/[email protected]
2023-03-25T03:41:29.570294Z  INFO surf::middleware::logger::native: sending request    
2023-03-25T03:41:29.702213Z  INFO surf::middleware::logger::native: request completed    
2023-03-25T03:41:29.702258Z  INFO connector_startup::startup: downloading package url=""
2023-03-25T03:41:29.702290Z  INFO surf::middleware::logger::native: sending request    
2023-03-25T03:41:29.993001Z  INFO surf::middleware::logger::native: request completed    
2023-03-25T03:41:30.108220Z  INFO connector_startup::startup: writing file file="connector.ipkg"
... checking package
2023-03-25T03:41:30.301199Z  INFO connector_startup::startup: connector binary from package path="./http-source"
2023-03-25T03:41:30.301224Z  INFO connector_startup::startup: Starting deployment
Connector runs with process id: 15
2023-03-25T03:41:30.303333Z  INFO http_source: Reading config file from: /home/fluvio/config.yaml
2023-03-25T03:41:30.303526Z  INFO http_source: starting processing
2023-03-25T03:41:30.304337Z  INFO fluvio::config::tls: Using verified TLS with certificates from paths domain=""
2023-03-25T03:41:30.308822Z  INFO fluvio::fluvio: Connecting to Fluvio cluster fluvio_crate_version="0.16.0" fluvio_git_hash="8d4023ee0dc7735aaa0c823dd2b235662112f090"
2023-03-25T03:41:30.369634Z  INFO connect: fluvio_socket::versioned: connect to socket add=fluvio-sc-public:9003
2023-03-25T03:41:30.412895Z  INFO connect:connect_with_config: fluvio::config::tls: Using verified TLS with certificates from paths domain=""
2023-03-25T03:41:30.473242Z  INFO connect:connect_with_config:connect: fluvio_socket::versioned: connect to socket add=fluvio-sc-public:9003
2023-03-25T03:41:30.582726Z  INFO dispatcher_loop{self=MultiplexDisp(12)}: fluvio_socket::multiplexing: multiplexer terminated
2023-03-25T03:41:30.632722Z  INFO fluvio_connector_common::monitoring: using metric path: /fluvio_metrics/connector.sock
2023-03-25T03:41:30.632795Z  INFO fluvio_connector_common::monitoring: monitoring started
2023-03-25T03:41:31.172075Z  INFO run:create_serial_socket_from_leader{leader_id=0}:connect_to_leader{leader=0}:connect: fluvio_socket::versioned: connect to socket add=fluvio-spu-main-0.acct-ce0c1782-ca61-4c54-a08c-3ba985524553.svc.cluster.local:9005

View data in topic

The HTTP connector should now be storing data in the specified topic:

$ fluvio topic list
  cat-facts-data  computed  1           1         7days           any          resolution::provisioned

Verify by consuming from the topic:

$ fluvio consume cat-facts-data -B
{"fact":"Female felines are \\superfecund","length":31}
{"fact":"Cats only sweat through their paws and nowhere else on their body","length":65}
{"fact":"While many parts of Europe and North America consider the black cat a sign of bad luck, in Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky.","length":146}

Delete a connector

To stop the connector, delete it:

$ fluvio cloud connector delete cat-facts
connector "cat-facts" deleted

This action won’t delete the topic. Delete it separately if needed:

$ fluvio topic delete cat-facts
topic "cat-facts" deleted


You’ve created an Inbound HTTP connector, accessed the logs, viewed the HTTP response data in the Fluvio topic, and deleted the connector and topic post-exploration. You are now prepared to create your own connectors. Check the documentation for our supported Inbound and Outbound connectors to get started with your own data sources.