Stateful Data Flow Beta Build composable event-driven data pipelines in minutes.

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Fleet of IoT devices

Build seamless data flows from edge to cloud

Lightweight data streaming platform for developers
to build analytics solutions on IoT data.

Solve hard problems in edge analytics

  • protect edge devices

    Edge Devices

    Leverage advanced caching, mirroring, and buffering capabilities to protect your devices

  • prevent data loss

    Data Loss

    Leverage the low footprint single binary solution to ensure that you keep all your data

  • integrate edge & cloud

    Edge & Cloud

    Use a single platform to connect your edge data sources and your cloud data lake.

Benefits you get

Lightweight Streaming

Run a single ~14 Mb Fluvio binary on ARMv7 chips, even on edge devices with only 256 MB of memory. It is a powerful, robust solution that scales seamlessly.

Advanced Caching

Don't lose any past data even if your edge device loses power with advanced caching on edge device cluster. And eliminate memory exceptions too.

Automatic Sync

Experience continuous data connectivity between edge and cloud. Retrieve all edge data, even during network downtimes, with automated synchronization.

Intelligent Processing

Process edge data with wasm based in-flight transformations, filters, and enrichments. Integrate edge and cloud analytics on a single platform.

See our platform in action

Discover how we can empower your edge analytics solutions while saving you time, money, and data-related challenges.

Technology Leaders Experience

By adopting InfinyOn Cloud, we've transformed our engineering velocity and eliminated the roadblocks and delays associated with traditional systems and services, empowering our teams to focus on innovation and growth.

CTO of Klarian
Ben Cleary
CTO of Klarian

Find out what your data platform could become

Struggling with the performance and cost challenges of your data stack?
Burdened with the quirks of Kafka, MQTT, and data-related challenges?

We have the infrastructure engineering solution to the data plumbing problem! We would love to show you what InfinyOn and Fluvio can do for you.