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How to Write to Apache Kafka from a Fluvio topic

Grant Swanson

Grant Swanson

VP Marketing, InfinyOn

GitHub stars

This blog shows the power of Fluvio for performing real-time data transformations and provides a step by step example of how to stream clean data to a Kafka topic. In this example we are taking source data from the Finnhub API with our HTTP source connector, aggregating stock prices, and caluclating unrealised gains or losses in real-time before we send it to Apache Kafka.


Install minikube, helm, kubectr with the following instructions:

Install Fluvio.

Install Fluvio CLI:

$ curl -fsS | bash

This command will download the Fluvio Version Manager (fvm), Fluvio CLI (fluvio) and config files into $HOME/.fluvio, with the executables in $HOME/.fluvio/bin. To complete the installation, you will need to add the executables to your shell $PATH.

Start Fluvio Cluster:

$ fluvio cluster start

Verify the cluster is running:

$ fluvio topic create greetings
echo "Hello, Fluvio" | fluvio produce greetings
fluvio consume greetings -B -d

Part one

Fluvio topic to Kafka Sink

Recap of the Financal Services Demo

• git clone

• register on and obtain api token

• update API token in quote-data-input.yaml

Create a HTTP connector Check if the fluvio topic is populated:

$ fluvio consume gme-stocks -B

Start a local Apache Kafka dev

Clone and change the value ADV_HOST in docker-compose-webinar.yml, where ADV_HOST is pinned to minikube network gateway

check minikube ip

$ minikube ip

and amend ADV_HOST in docker-compose-webinar.yml

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-webinar.yml up -d

Validate that Kafka is working

$ docker run --rm -it --net=host lensesio/fast-data-dev kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list

Write to Kafka from Fluvio topic

ADV_HOST and kafka_url in webinar-kafka-sink-connector.yml shall match to local IP (ifconfig| grep inet for linux)

fluvio connector create -c ./webinar-kafka-sink-connector.yml
fluvio connector logs -f my-kafka-sink1

Part two

Write clean data to Kafka from a Fluvio topic

Apply a Smart Module to a fluvio topic before writing to Kafka Smart module calculates unrealised gains or losses. Runs an aggregate function on an assumed “purchased” stocks (warrant).

fn update_profit(&mut self) {
        let mut profit = 0.0;
        for warrant in &self.warrants {
            profit += (self.current_price - (warrant.exercise_price + warrant.purchase_price))*warrant.count as f64;

where warrents.txt

{"expiry_date": "Tue, 11 Apr 2022 13:50:37 +0000", "exercise_price": 140.0, "purchase_price": 12.0, "count": 10}
{"expiry_date": "Tue, 12 Apr 2022 13:50:37 +0000", "exercise_price": 110.0, "purchase_price": 10.0, "count": 11}
{"expiry_date": "Tue, 12 Apr 2022 17:50:37 +0000", "exercise_price": 150.0, "purchase_price": 11.0, "count": 12}
{"expiry_date": "Tue, 13 Apr 2022 13:50:37 +0000", "exercise_price": 160.0, "purchase_price": 13.0, "count": 13}

In the fluvio-demo-04-12-2022-finance-demo folder run

make sm-upload
make produce-warrants
make sm-consume

Those commands will compile and upload a smart module. Produce warrants will generate purchase orders so current profit can be calculated.

Start Kafka sink connector with SmartModule

fluvio connector create -c ./webinar-kafka-sink-connector-with-sm.yml

Rerun produce warrants: In fluvio-demo-04-12-2022-finance-demo run

%copy% Sink connector reads fluvio topic from the end, and we are re-running make produce-warrants to make sure fluvio topic is populated, which is then appearing in kafka-aggregate-fluvio.

Watch kafka topic via Web UI http://localhost:3030/kafka-topics-ui/#/cluster/fast-data-dev/topic/n/kafka-aggregate-fluvio/ or via command line:

docker run --rm -it --net=host landoop/fast-data-dev kafka-console-consumer --topic kafka-aggregate-fluvio --bootstrap-server ""

Webinar recording: Enhance your kafka infrastructure with fluvio

See webinar with live demo.

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Have a happy coding, and stay tuned!

Additional Notes

Running Kafka commands:

docker run --rm -it --net=host landoop/fast-data-dev kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list
docker run --rm -it --net=host landoop/fast-data-dev kafka-console-consumer --topic kafka-aggregate-fluvio --bootstrap-server ""

Further reading